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Blog owner: Kalila Desi Jujane
yes! goodbye you!
Sabtu, 14 April 2012 | 00.47 | 0 comments
yeah! it's time for me to move on.
it's time for me to find someone else.
to start a new relationship with other guy.
even, so far the best man that i ever met is you.
even i don't know whether he is better or not.
but, it's time for me to not depend on you anymore.
you don't loves me anymore, i clearly know that.
so why i should waiting?
the one way to move on is to delete you for my blackberry contact.
and huaalaaaaaa! you disappear from my life.
life is easy ryt?
yes! i'm outta your life.
yes! goodbye you!
so i guess there will be no more goodbye anymore.
and now, i promise no tears left behind.
i go with smile and no tears at all.
as your wish.

goodbye you.

Old things | New things